Escaping from the Borg is no simple feat. I completely understand the fear and anxiety that comes up when you have a run in with the elders or even just regular dubs. It does fade with time, especially when you learn the truth about the truth and realize that they don't have any real power ovver you anymore. I'm finally at the point that I can go about my business without fear, and it's a great feeling.
finally awake
JoinedPosts by finally awake
An elder called me.
by Julia Orwell inan elder who handled the minor matter with my husband a few weeks ago called to see how we were doing.
this guy genuinely is a gentle, kind, man whom the congregation loves.
he's the one everyone approaches because he never judges or condescends.
Is the Revelation Grand Climax book in print anymore?
by wallsofjericho ini watched a couple daniel clark videos on youtube (simple but interesting btw) and he mentioned the revelation book is no longer in print.. is that true??
what other books did we grow up with that are out of print?.
truth booklive forever book(old) united in worship(old) evolution/creation bookthose seem to be the biggies.
finally awake
no idea. it was a dog of a book
Elder's decisions with congregation funds £££
by 88JM inhave you ever been in a congregation (or circuit) where elders have made very bad choices on spending congegation funds?.
(summary if you don't want to read it all: elders planning to squander money on an expensive hall refurbishment while kh flat is falling apart).
i know there were assembly halls like dudley who spent a lot of money on their kitchens just before the food arrangements were done away with.
finally awake
the congregation we used to attend built a new hall in 2006. the new hall came with a second large lot adjacent, so a lot of grass to mow. the idiot elders refused to buy a decent riding mower, instead they wasted more money on old (like 30+ years old) beat up tractors with mowing decks. half the time when Just Ron would go to mow the grass, the tractor wouldn't start, or something would break half way through. He'd end up borrowing my mom's riding mower to finish up. Also, the elders refused to pay someone to come in and smooth out the ditch along the edge of the property and put down rock to prevent weed growth. Therefore, some poor schmuck (aka Just Ron) would have to weed eat the entire thing because it was too steep to mow with the tractor. It ran down one entire edge of the property, so not a quick task. It was also usually muddy and wet, being a ditch. Just Ron would spend all day mowing and trimming out there, and 99% of the time the other brother assigned to mow that week wouldn't show up at all.
Introduction - longtime visitor
by momentofsurrender injust a (slightly) quick introduction for now.
i am a 4th generation born in.
father an elder since i was an infant.
finally awake
Welcome! this is a great place to learn all about the lies and manipulation the WTBTS engages in. The truth about the "truth" will set you free.
Elders Call Off Meetings A Lot More Easily Than They Did Before For Inclement Weather
by minimus inthe meetings were cancelled in this area with only 2 inches of snow for the "storm''.
a month ago the co had the meeting cancelled because it was a bit tracherous, which i thought was a good call..... years`ago, if we cancelled a meeting it took until one hour before the presiding overseer would finally decide to cancel.. today's jws are wimps..
finally awake
I think they should cancel *all* the meetings LOL
Just my little story
by MinistryOfTruth in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><![endif].
i have been lurking here for about a month or two.
it is really awesome to read so many similar experiences.. for example, when i was still 'in' i wondered if i was the only one in the hall that really hated the meetings.
finally awake
The fact that you are in college makes me think that your family may well be on the liberal side, which is good. It's great that you are free from the mental chains the borg puts on people.
I am in LOV.....I mean LIKE!!!
by MsGrowingGirl20 inhi alll!
well, i'm good!.
i haven't been to the hall in like 5 months.
finally awake
Go ahead and date him, have a normal romantic relationship, but *DON"T* rush to get married. Even if he is the "one", which he may well be, you don't have to marry him right away. Don't let the desire for sex push you into marriage too quickly.
POLL: How long did you remain a JW from point of baptism to leaving the KH
by Terry ini was baptised --1963. left in 1978. fifteen years.
pre-baptism, another 5 years.
finally awake
baptized at 30, escaped at 41. 11 wasted years.
Just wanted you to know, none of you are intriguing. Rather, you're all quite repulsive.
by Theocratic Sedition innot saying that's my personal opinion, but this week's congregation bible study asks the viewpoint question, "would apostate literature or internet sites intrigue you or repulse you?
"- jeremiah book, page 70, para 7. .
gotta love it.. i guess apostate sites are like crime scenes.
finally awake
Definitely mentally diseased, possibly even evil and offensive LOL
Just wanted you to know, none of you are intriguing. Rather, you're all quite repulsive.
by Theocratic Sedition innot saying that's my personal opinion, but this week's congregation bible study asks the viewpoint question, "would apostate literature or internet sites intrigue you or repulse you?
"- jeremiah book, page 70, para 7. .
gotta love it.. i guess apostate sites are like crime scenes.
finally awake
Not only am I repulsive, I'm also vile and disgusting :P